The Public Policy and Administration Centre (PPAC)

Good Leadership and Governance for Prosperity

Public Policy and Administration is the formulation, implementation and management of government guidelines and procedures, which are developed, based on expert analysis on specific issues that affect the citizens and other entities that fall within the jurisdiction of a government.  The constitution of Kenya empowers citizens to actively participate in and influence public policy decisions making on matters affecting them.  

PPAC focuses on promoting effective policy development, implementation, and evaluation across all sectors. The aims are to develop leaders who are equipped with knowledge, skills, and values necessary for addressing complex policy challenges and promoting good governance. The center is also committed to driving excellence in public policy and governance through the provision of high standards of research, executive education, and advocacy, while developing management skills of results-oriented professionals. It  also conducts research in policy development and implementation through analysis and monitoring of mechanisms for public policies.

PPAC attention is on the devolved system of government of Kenya with the aim of supporting policy formulation process, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation at county and national level governments. The center undertakes executive leadership and managerial training for county officials in line with the needs. The centre  works with the government and other partners to strengthen policy research. It seeks to establish collaborative research agenda with other similar centers and develop joint programs, strategies, and activities that enhance institutional competitiveness.