Entrepreneurship and Gender Empowerment Centre (EGEC)

Good Leadership and Governance for Prosperity

Entrepreneurship is about being innovative and alert to opportunities for competitiveness, sustainability, and profit maximization where applicable. Entrepreneurship is a dynamic social process where individuals either alone or in collaboration identify opportunities for innovation and act upon them by transforming ideas into practical targeted activities whether in a social, cultural, or financial context.

The EGEC aims to provide the impetus for strengthening the next generation of courageous, creative men and women who will change the world in matters of solving social problem and wealth creation. This is being done by exploring the contemporary view of youth and women’s entrepreneurial leadership. In addition, the center is working in partnership with institutions committed to fostering the entrepreneurial spirit among the youth and women entrepreneurs. The Hub is at an advanced stage in the creation of a business incubator in which innovative businesses with an emphasis on climate change objectives will be incubated for a specified period This is being done in collaboration with Lion-Den.org, through the ‘Building local investor-entrepreneur communities with global impact’ initiative.

Team Members

Mr. Jared Maranga
Expert in Information Technology Security and Audit

Mr. Rodgers Agil Jato O.
AIU Business Incubator Coordinator

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Entrepreneurship is about embracing innovation and staying vigilant for opportunities that fuel competitiveness, sustainability, and profit maximization when they arise

Dr. Lucy KinyuaExpert in Entrepreneurship